I bought a few fat 1/4's from the V&A museum and I was a little disappointed with them, but thought they would look good in a scrappy English quilt. I have made clamshells with them and love them now!
On Saturday we had our Ann Daggs class. The girls on a Saturday, plus and minus a few over the years, have been meeting for about seven years and making special quilts. We have shared births, deaths and marriages, divorces, lost a few favorites due to interstate moves and found a few new special members to take their places. We have almost got lunch right, so on Saturday we confirmed what quilt we will start next year.
meanwhile here are their Ann Daggs quilts.
This quilt belongs to Juliann
And this quilt belongs to SusanJeni's quilt is rich and vibrant but still has an old feel to it
Teresa's quilt is quite a lot like the original
Chris has stayed more or less up to date despite having two lots of surgery on her arm!
and last but not least here is Beth's quilt. we decided this quilt has the most "antique" feel to it.

As you can see they do their teacher proud!