Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Year, New quilts

Last year I think I only sewed. I certainly didnt knit, crochet or make anything other than quilts. I had far too many trips away from home but still had an enjoyable year.
My sister has finished all her treatment and is now doing pretty well, we have our first great nephew or niece on the way and everyone is well.
I have almost finished my Stonefields quilt. It has to be completed and off to Ireland by the end of next month, so a busy month ahead of me.
Summer school is over, and I have a little bit of finishing off on my Florence Peto quilt, and then I think I will do some knitting!
I have had lots of enquiries about my Stonefields quilt. Today I have put the pattern details here http://patchworkonstonleigh.typepad.com/patchwork-on-stonleigh/2014/01/stonefields.html

It has been such a lovely project to do, and I have really had such wonderful feedback.
Later in the year I am teaching this quilt in Sweden. How exciting!

I have also added another quilt pattern today "Something about Florence"

This is an adaptation of the Florence Peto quilt "Hearts and Flowers. I was quite amazed when I made this quilt how really beautiful it is. I have the outside border to applique, and I am hoping to have it and a few other quilts ready by Easter. Fortunately Easter is not until late April.

We had to say goodbye to our lovely old dog Dougie last week. He was a few weeks off 17years old, and left us with lots of lovely memories. We still have his two babies, Bob and Hazel, but he was our house dog, and it is very quiet without him.

I have been having fun since summer school on Instagram. Its as though summer school has not finished. I can keep tabs on the girls finishing off their quilts and see oh so many really beautiful quilts and projects, and lots that has nothing to do with anything at all!. Follow me on
happy sewing, Susan


  1. I love them all, they are stunning Susan!

  2. Do love your quilts Susan. Xxx

  3. So lovely! :)
    Greetings from Finland!
    Hugs, Ulla

  4. Your patterns are lovely, I have just started Sweet William and hope to one day make Stoneleigh.

  5. Hi Susan
    I have messaged you as well on IG I would like the details on starting Stonefields Quilt
    Many Thanks
    Ollie and May on IG

  6. ooo I just did it the payment for the stonefields quilt now I have to wait
    greetings Emmy

  7. Susan I never received no 4 Bom patterns in the mail. Received 5 in the mail today.

  8. I am extremely impressed along with your writing abilities, Thanks for this great share.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Thank you for sharing in this article , you may be useful and successful always .

  11. Both very gorgeous quilts.Thanks for the share.
    clipping path
